We can count flutists from all over the world among the "Sankyo family". Flutes that find their way into the world's best orchestras can only be developed in close collaboration with first-class flutists.
That is why we listen carefully to ensure that the artists of this world get their hands on instruments that offer them the security that is essential for the daily musical challenges.
Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra
Berlin Symphony Orchestra (Grehl)
Berlin Symphony Orchestra (Careddu)
Mariinsky Theather -KIROV Opera
Orchester philharmonique de Radio France
Orchester de l'Ope'ra National de Lyon
Prague Symphony
Royal Flanders Philharmonic Orchestra (Baerten)
Royal Flanders Philharmonic Orchestra
Vienna Radio Symphonie Orchestara
Warshawa State Opera
Ecole Normale de Musique de Paris
Kunitachi Music University
TOKYO University for fine arts and music (GEIDAI)
Stuttgart Music Academy
Vienna University of Music